We would advise and draft your Will ( including where necessary Trusts which can take several different types of will trusts which may form part of your will. These could include:
Life interest trusts, where a beneficiary may live in a property owned by the trust, or receive income from it.
Flexible life interest trusts, where trustees are given the power to take capital from the trust during their lifetime.
Discretionary trusts can be more flexible by allowing appointed Trustees to manage your estate and decide who to distribute it out to and when.
Bereaved minor trusts can be set up for the child to inherit only when they turn 18, and similarly, an 18-25 trust delays the age a child can inherit).
- Obtaining a grant of probate
- Providing beneficiaries with advice on taxation matters
- Dealing with legacies to minors
- Protecting assets from possible creditors and taxation
- Litigation (contesting a will)
- Estate administration (probate/intestacy)
- Writing or updating a will
- Living wills, advice representation on all mental capacity matters
- Mirror wills
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Family break up wills
- Making a will and children
- Making a will – trust and trustees
- Wills – donating to charity
- Wills tenants in common
- Statutory wills and trusts
- Dealing with an estate
- Applications to the Court of Protection
- Compensation protection services (trusts)
- Elderly and vulnerable care (for people concerned about care home fees and protecting their inheritance)
- International wills